Digital Lessons are Really Good

I have been teaching solely digital lessons since the end of March. The lessons are effective.

We use all sorts of platforms such as FaceTime, Skype, Zoom and WhatsApp. The equipment is slightly different in the piano room……..there is a phone, iPad and a gooseneck holder for the phone and a whole pile of books ready for each pupil. Obviously there is a lack of bustle of pupils and parents but some of our pets sit in on lessons anyway despite the lack of humans except myself.

The lessons are very much to the point and they definitely make pupils more independent. They have to know their music well and be able to find specific areas that need work and identify all the various signs on the music. They also have to listen well both to my voice and to my playing of their pieces.

It is a strong lesson in listening to each other as you have to be mindful not to overlap each other when talking.

We hope to have a Zoom concert in the near future which will be another great learning experience. Normally our concerts involve cake and food goodies, this time it will have to be virtual cake 😊

If you would like to give a lesson a go, please do give a ring, you will need some form of keyboard, a good internet connection and a phone, tablet or laptop.

Published in: on October 15, 2020 at 12:11 pm  Leave a Comment  

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